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On July 22, 2004, Congress enacted the Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act (LEOSA). The intent of LEOSA was to exempt qualified current and retired law enforcement officers from state laws prohibiting the carrying of concealed weapons while traveling from state to state. LEOSA requires that the retired law enforcement officer have a photographic identification card which identifies them as a retired law enforcement officer. LEOSA also requires that the retired law enforcement officer maintain an annual qualification with their firearm. 

In response to LEOSA, on December 13, 2005, the Governor signed Act 79, the Retired Law Enforcement Identification Act (RLEIA). RLEIA tasked the Municipal Police Officers' Education and Training Commission (MPOETC) with establishing uniform identification and qualification cards for retired law enforcement officers in PA and a method of conducting annual firearms qualifications for such individuals. 

The final regulations for the Retired Law Enforcement Identification Act (Act 79 of 2005) were published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin on September 12, 2009 and amended (as noted) in December 2014. You may obtain forms and additional information on MPOETC website. 

Pennsylvania Department of Corrections Officers who retire are acknowledged by MPOETC as Retired Law Enforcement Officers. This gives you the ability to obtain an ID card from the approved private vendor (ID ANSWERS) and attempt to qualify for a concealed carry range card. 

Click the form below to print off the Retired Law Enforcement Identification Card. It is a two-page application: fill out the Officer's Information (which is you as the retired officer), and fill out the Agency Information (which is the agency you retired from). The retired officer should sign in the Retired Officer's Signature box, and have the Superintendent or Officer in charge of the agency you retired from sign in the Officer in Charge Signature box. You must include a photo that will be placed on the ID card. 

Please read the application thoroughly. Any questions should be directed to the contacts on the application. Once the ID card is completed, it will be sent to your agency, who will then contact you to pick it up or mail it to you. Once you receive your ID card, simply contact C2 Tactical Training & Consulting to schedule a day to qualify on a range to be determined. 

MPOETC Retired Law Enforcement ID Card Signature Form

MPOETC Retired Law Enforcement ID Card Application

PA Retired Officer Concealed Carry Acknowledgement Form 

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